Thursday, December 25, 2008

Look at my computer screen. This has happened a few times. It seems like I hit something on the bottom left side of my keyboard right as it happens. If I click anywhere on the screen, it rights itself. I wonder what makes this happen. Looks pretty cool.


Taylor Cole Miller said...

My laptop does something similar if I put my finger in a corner of the mouse pad and leave it for a second or so ...

It's weird, tho, I never use it.

Robin said...

It's Vista, right? There are two desktop views. Look on the lower left of your taskbar and you should have an icon for a regular desktop view and one for a tiled window view. It shows all the windows you have open.

Who got a new computer? :)

judycolby said...

Well, I'll be darned. I never knew how that happened. See that, Taylor?
Yes, it's Vista and takes a little getting used to. I've had it for a while, just never knew where that screen came from.