Yesterday I got MRIs set up for J&J in Denver with a 3T machine. The best thing is that they are set up for first thing on a Monday morning. I need to go to Denver the day before to get Jess from the airport when she gets back from NY. So we can do this all in one trip. Am not sure yet if Bill will get another one. We have orders for one if he wants. The gal said to let her know and she could work him in too.
The bad news is that we still don't have the results from the nuclear stress test. I'm starting to be seriously annoyed, one step up from annoyed. No results tomorrow and I will be majorly ticked off. But I don't know how to force the issue, getting mad on the phone will not help get the results faster.
Tuesday we were told that it was on the doctor's desk and Thursday (today) would be THE day. "And doctor always is good about taking care of what's on his desk."
Well "doctor" has had this on his desk since last Friday from what I was told then. I guess it will all work out, it's just frustrating.
Last night Jess and I went over to the Grinnell VFW and met some of my family for supper. The VFW serves chicken fried steaks and mountain oysters ("nuts" in this neck of the woods) with baked beans, potato salad, cole slaw, chips, bread, corn, green beans, the first Wednesday of every month.You can run into half of two or three counties there. We had a good time. I think Elsie takes Dad just about every month. We all had a good time.
Saw Justin for a bit yesterday. Ardath told me he'd stopped by her place to talk about the stores roof that he finally finished yesterday. She said she asked him how he was feeling these days and he told her not very good most of the time, but better than before. He's doing a midnight tonight.
Bill must be cycling almost daily as his mood changes daily - or more. That must be exhausting for him. He's still staying in Hays because it's closer to where the rig is.
The bad news is that we still don't have the results from the nuclear stress test. I'm starting to be seriously annoyed, one step up from annoyed. No results tomorrow and I will be majorly ticked off. But I don't know how to force the issue, getting mad on the phone will not help get the results faster.
Tuesday we were told that it was on the doctor's desk and Thursday (today) would be THE day. "And doctor always is good about taking care of what's on his desk."
Well "doctor" has had this on his desk since last Friday from what I was told then. I guess it will all work out, it's just frustrating.
Last night Jess and I went over to the Grinnell VFW and met some of my family for supper. The VFW serves chicken fried steaks and mountain oysters ("nuts" in this neck of the woods) with baked beans, potato salad, cole slaw, chips, bread, corn, green beans, the first Wednesday of every month.You can run into half of two or three counties there. We had a good time. I think Elsie takes Dad just about every month. We all had a good time.
Saw Justin for a bit yesterday. Ardath told me he'd stopped by her place to talk about the stores roof that he finally finished yesterday. She said she asked him how he was feeling these days and he told her not very good most of the time, but better than before. He's doing a midnight tonight.
Bill must be cycling almost daily as his mood changes daily - or more. That must be exhausting for him. He's still staying in Hays because it's closer to where the rig is.
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