Jess got exciting news yesterday. She is going to Seattle with Girl Scouts. Microsoft partnered with five or six Girl Scout Councils in the US to test an online safety program. She signed up and a few weeks ago saw that they were offering an all expense paid trip to Microsoft headquarters for 20 of the participants. She applied and wrote her essay and filled out forms. Yesterday she got a call to tell her she was going! I'm excited for her.
They'll fly out Tuesday, Aug. 19 and come back Saturday, Aug. 23. She's probably glad to be going somewhere for fun! I have no qualms about her traveling by herself to Seattle. The three trips this past year have prepared her. I think she can find her way around an airport. Hopefully no layovers though. And I'm sure she will be met in Seattle. And thank goodness for cell phones.
There will be some sightseeing while they are there. She better take alot of pictures!! It'll seem weird to have her gone with people I don't know. I assume they are trustworthy.
They'll fly out Tuesday, Aug. 19 and come back Saturday, Aug. 23. She's probably glad to be going somewhere for fun! I have no qualms about her traveling by herself to Seattle. The three trips this past year have prepared her. I think she can find her way around an airport. Hopefully no layovers though. And I'm sure she will be met in Seattle. And thank goodness for cell phones.
There will be some sightseeing while they are there. She better take alot of pictures!! It'll seem weird to have her gone with people I don't know. I assume they are trustworthy.
Mom, you know I'll be in safe hands!! What will you do with almost a whole week without me??
I didn't know you read this!!!
I'll enjoy myself and do papers by myself and then go to wild parties.
Yes, I've been reading your blog for quite sometime, so don't be saying mean things about me, you hear! But since you don't know the URL for my blog, I'm free to bash you all I want:P. Although, I doubt I'd do that!! Hmm, wild parties, eh? You could go party with Becky, I hear she's had quite her share of parties with her neighbors, too bad they moved away=[. You know, you could always see if Justin wants to do papers with you, although he's never quite as exciting as I am at 5 in the morning:D.
No, I found you!
I'm glad you found me since, you know, I am sitting across the room from you - you'd have to be blind not to find me:P!!
Drats, now you know all of my intermost personal secrets. HA! It's been, like, 201,394,192,495 seconds since I last posted on my blog. Okay, not that long, but it's been a while. Which reminds me, I started to blog before we ran errands tonight, but then I never finished it, maybe I will tomorrow, but then again, if you're going to read it, is there a point to putting it there?!? HAHA! Just kidding!! ILY<3!! (Now can you tell me what that means???)
Are you trying to make this like "notes on the fridge door"
Ah, now that I realize what you're talking about (the book, right? - what a sad story). No, I'm not trying to make this like that book. For one, that would be sad because it seemed like the girl and her mom never really saw each other nor had a close relationship.
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