Thursday, April 30, 2009

Gourmet chocolate fountains are now a popular and elegant piece for weddings and parties. Chocolate cascades off each layer as guests dip fruit, pretzels or cream puffs in the chocolate flow.
April 30

Since I won't be in town next week to have a one week checkup with my eye doctor, I went to see him today for followup from my cataract surgery yesterday. With my right eye (which was operated on yesterday) I could read the entire bottom row of the eye chart! I've never been able to do that before. Dr. Washburn was impressed. I have to go back to see him after we get back from Milwaukee. I'm happy with my surgeries. My left eyelid is sort of droopy now. The surgeon said that at the three month mark would be as good as it gets. It doesn't really bother me.
At work almost everything that needs done before I leave next week has been done.
I wish I could say the same for home. Time is getting short so I must get in gear. Actually I just keep mentally crossing things off my list

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